Thursday, February 24, 2011

The jak tree

The jak tree is very tall. It bears fruits. The jak tree is very important to us because it gives us food and wood.The jak fruit is very tasty. Last week my mother cooked jak fruit. Ripe jak fruit is very tasty and is called Waraka.The leaves of the jak tree are eaten by cows and goats.
With the timber from the tree we make many beautiful household furniture such as cupboards, chairs, tables and beds.There is a jak tree in my garden. It provides shade to my garden. Some people make medicines from parts of this tree.
The jak tree is a valuable tree and very useful too. So, we must protect our jak trees without cutting them down needlessly. We must plant a jak tree when we cut one.


Seasons and climates are there because of the changing weather. Clouds, wind, rain, sun and snow contribute to the changes in the weather. However, the Moon has no air or water. So, there are no seasons and climates on the Moon.
In Sri Lanka there are two seasons. They are the dry and rainy seasons. The weather becomes very hot in the dry season. Under this severe heat, streams and wells dry up in many places.
In some large lakes only muddy water remains. The fish in them die as a result. The water levels in rivers, tanks and wells all go down during the dry season.
Animals in jungles wander many miles in search of water. Both man and animal suffer due to the extreme heat and lack of water.
The South-West Monsoon and the North-East Monsoon usher in the rainy season. Tanks, rivers, streams, wells and all other water bodies begin to overflow.
Trees, shrubs, herbs and creepers become fresh and green. Animals and birds feed on grass, leaves, fruits and seeds. Farmers are happy as the dry season is over and now they can start the cultivation of crops.


Bogoda Bridge The oldest wooden bridge in Sri Lanka

My country, Sri Lanka has a rich cultural heritage and many historical places with old constructions. I like to tell you about the oldest wooden bridge in Sri Lanka, the Bogoda Bridge situated at Hali-Ela in Badulla. The bridge was built across the Gallanda Oya which is a branch of the Uma Oya.
According to the legend surrounding this ancient bridge, a father and a son had been responsible for building this bridge. They had been very clever timber craftsmen.
It is completely made of wood without a single metal nail being used. The bridge is fifty feet long and five feet wide. It has a roof to protect the bridge and the people who go on it, from the rain.
The pillars are nicely carved with ancient designs. In the past it has been used, not only to get across the stream, but also as an “ambalama”. There is an old temple near the bridge. There is also a cave which the Buddhist Monks had lived in during ancient times. People still use this bridge which is in good condition. It is our duty to protect and appreciate these types of magnificent creations.


My little sister

My little sister’s name is Lakni Layanvi Edirisinghe. She is six years old. She studies at Musaeus College and goes to school by van. She is in Grade One. Her teacher’s name is Swarna Devasiri.
She likes to eat apples and drink Sunquick.
Her best friend is Sarini. She likes dolls.
I love my little sister.

Hasali Hasara Edirisinghe, Grade 3-C, Musaeus College,Colombo 7.

Why we should protect the ozone layer

We know that there is an atmosphere around our home planet. This atmosphere contains mainly nitrogen, oxygen, argon and carbon dioxide gases.
The ozone layer is in this atmosphere. It is quite important to the people, animals and plants that exist on the Earth.
The main function of the ozone layer is the prevention of harmful ultraviolet rays from reaching the Earth. Today, the careless activities of man has resulted in the depletion of the ozone layer.
Nowadays the hot topic is the damage done to the ozone layer. Scientists believe that, as a result of the destruction of the ozone layer, man will have to suffer in the future. It has already led to global warming.
The main reason for the destruction of the ozone layer is environmental pollution. With the development of science and technology, new machines and vehicles have been invented to do various jobs; fossil fuels are used to operate most of them.
The gases released from these machines and also vehicles are very harmful to the environment. When the number of vehicles and machines increase, environmental pollution also increases. The ozone layer gets destroyed due to this air pollution.
If the ozone layer is destroyed what will happen to the world? All living beings will be eventually destroyed because of the harmful rays of the Sun. Therefore, the protection of the ozone layer is very important to all of us.
This is why there is an international day for the preservation of the ozone layer which is known as “The World Ozone Day”. It is commemorated on September 16. The international day was declared by the UN General Assembly on December 19, 1994.
In order to protect and preserve, the ozone layer, we must protect the environment first. In the past, our ancestors protected the environment as their life. This is clear from the Red Indian leader Seatle’s letter called “The Earth’s Song”. It is a good example to all of us. As people living on the Earth, it is our duty as well as our responsibility to protect the valuable ozone layer for the protection of our future generations.


A picnic on my birthday

It was a fine Saturday morning and my birthday. My parents, sister and I went on a picnic to the park. Mother packed the lunch, cake and some fruits in a basket and I filled the thermos flask with tea.When my father took the car out of the garage, my sister put the picnic basket and the mat into the car.
When we reached the park my sister and I ran out of the car to play in the park. We played with a ball, sang songs and had our lunch. We ate the cake and fruits and drank tea later in the day. We then played hide and seek and had lots of fun. When it was time to leave I was very sad, but all in all, it was a wonderful day for me.

A.A. Udani Chathurangi Perera, Grade 5,Sarasavi Uyana Maha Vidyalaya.

Awaiting peace...

Explosions, bloodshed, dead bodies; that’s all we witness these days. That is what works in our minds all the time. No one knows what’ll happen next...
Pause for a while and see what’s going on around you. Think what is in the people’s hearts. We all have loved ones and we care for them. We never want to see loved ones suffering in hospitals without limbs; we never, ever want our loved ones to be sealed inside a coffin and burnt or buried. Do we? No! Not even in our dreams. Even though death is inevitable we do not want to be victims of war and terrorism.
Some of you might have experienced it. It maybe one of your parents, siblings, cousins or friends who have been subject to this.
The people who are creating these explosives and detonating them are inhuman. Don’t they too have loved ones? But most of all, don’t they have a heart? Don’t such people at least have a sense of what’s going on around them? There are many people who are directly or indirectly involved in the war. Can’t any of them understand the tears of a child who has lost his/her parents?
People are suffering, fighting for their lives and praying for freedom from these horrors. Parents are ignoring their true feelings to let their children whom they love more than their own lives join the three Forces. They fight for freedom for their country and their people.
Sometimes they fail, but they rise again like a phoenix rising from the ashes. They die for the sake of their motherland. We count on them. We would not be able to sleep in the nights, having sweet dreams, if they were not awake fighting the terrorists.
Our country is full of wonders. It is the Pearl of the Indian Ocean. It was the Granary of the East. But today, it’s mostly famous for terrorism and bomb blasts. Our country has become a land of blood; cruelty is spreading all over. This was once a prosperous and peaceful land.
Think of the ripples. The water needs someone to make these ripples. Likewise, we need someone to stand up for freedom.
I hope this war will come to an end as soon as possible and peace would dawn. God must hear the cries of our people for freedom.
Peace and harmony must reign over this prosperous land once more.

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